RelStorage Support

I am more than happy to support RelStorage as best I can by email.  Every time I do, however, I always get a nagging feeling that I could help RelStorage users a lot better if we set up a short term support contract.  I would very much appreciate a chance to optimize their system by testing the performance of different configurations.  When the communication is limited to email, neither of us gets a chance to discover how we might help each other better.

So if you’re a RelStorage user and your database is growing by tens of gigabytes, please seriously consider a short term support contract with my little company.  A little tuning or code revision in the right place could yield orders of magnitude performance gains.  I really want to help you directly.  Contact me at shane (at) willowrise (dot) com.

4 thoughts on “RelStorage Support”

  1. Yes. I had a constant size of ~800MB with ZEO. After converting to RelSTorage I immediately got ~1.4GB. And now, after every repack (I hardly do them now because I fear this will be an endless growing) it jumped to ~2GB and now has a size of 3GB.

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